Weed Out the Bad Apples Rotting Your Company’s Growth
As you’ve often heard it said: employees are a company’s most important investment. They’re also one of the biggest challenges for a company. The time and money it takes to recruit, interview, and train adds up quickly. Even then, you’re not guaranteed that the person will perform well in the company, and each wrong move could limit company growth.
Press Releases
Greenwood fireworks hosted this year by local business
Johnson County residents will be able to enjoy a fireworks display this year after all, thanks to one local business who will host this year’s show on behalf of the community on Sunday, July 5th at 10 p.m.
Culture, Leadership & Management, Training & Performance
Recipe for Success: Bring Back the Lunch Break
Just as I’m about to leave the office to grab a bite to eat, my phone rings. So, I take the “quick” call. Then, I receive an email notification from my boss. I need to answer it, so she knows that I am reliable and responsive.
Balancing Caregiving and Your Career
The National Alliance for Caregiving and AARP estimate that 70% of working caregivers suffer work-related difficulties due to their dual roles. Moreover, caregivers are forced to miss an average of 6.6 days of work annually because of their caregiving responsibilities.
Culture, Leadership & Management, Training & Performance
Working From Home
In an age when more and more positions require duties to be carried out almost exclusively on computers, and where the internet can instantly connect anyone anywhere, many employers, including , are offering the option of telecommuting. Telecommuting allows employees to work from home or another alternate location and communicate with their employers electronically.
Leadership & Management, Strategy & Planning
Concerned by the Coronavirus? 3 Ways to Prepare Your Staff
Cases of a new virus emerged from China has business owners rattled. Concerned for the health of their company, employers are scrambling for information on the Coronavirus – What is it? How is it spread? And most importantly, how can I prepare and protect my staff?
Leadership & Management
This is why no one follows you, and other thoughts on leadership.
I recently had a conversation with an entrepreneur about her under performing employees. “I just can’t get them to listen to me, to follow my directions, to stay engaged,” she said, with a tone that let me know how exhausting the problem had become.
Leadership & Management
Bring in the Roaring 20’s
As we say goodbye to 2019, not only do we celebrate turning the calendar to a new year but a new decade. We are moving into this next decade in “roaring” fashion. The economy is within the ideal growth rate of 2%, unemployment is at its lowest since 1969, the Federal Reserve interest rate is 1.75%, and the stock market major indexes all grew more than 20% in 2019.