Employee Benefits Resources.
Welcome to Tilson’s Employee Benefits Resources page. This page provides access to articles, videos, and tools related to employee benefits—equipping employees with the knowledge and resources to make the best decisions for themselves and their families.
IMPORTANT: The following is a general list of employee benefits resources. Some resources may or may not be offered by your organization. To learn more, please contact a member of your Tilson Service Team.

Open enrollment is a short period each year when you can make changes to your benefits.
The 2025 Open Enrollment period is closed. Unless you experience a Qualifying Life Event, you cannot make changes to your benefits until the next period.
Check your Online HR Portal for more information.
Need Additional Assistance?View our Customer Support page.
Qualifying Life Events
Qualified life events, such as marriage, birth of a child, or loss of other health coverage, allow employees to make changes to their benefits outside of the regular open enrollment period. This flexibility ensures that employees can adapt their coverage to meet evolving personal and family needs.
Your health is essential to your overall well-being. When evaluating a plan, you should consider both your medical and financial needs. When life’s unexpected events occur, costs related to healthcare can put a large financial burden on you and your family. The health plans offered by your employer aim to help ease that potential by providing access to healthcare for you and your loved ones.
- Glossary of Terms – English | Spanish
- Employee Guide to Health Benefits – English | Spanish
- About UnitedHealthcare (Tilson’s medical insurance provider)
- Transition of Care
Taking proper care of your teeth and gums requires more than brushing and flossing every day. You also need to see a dentist at least twice a year for a thorough cleaning and check-up. It’s especially important for children to get in the habit of visiting the dentist regularly. Without dental insurance, the cost of these procedures can quickly add up.
- What You Need to Know About Dental Insurance – English | Spanish
- Glossary of Terms – English | Spanish
- About MetLife (Tilson’s Dental insurance provider)
Routine eye exams are important – regardless of your age or your physical health. Eye examinations are an important part of health maintenance for everyone. Adults should have their eyes tested to keep their prescriptions current and to check for early signs of eye disease. Eye exams for children play an important role in ensuring normal vision development and academic achievement of all kids.
- Glossary of Terms – English | Spanish
- What you Need to Know about Vision Insurance – English | Spanish
- About MetLife (Tilson’s Vision insurance provider)
Group Basic Life and
Life insurance provides a financial benefit to your beneficiaries in the event of your death. Your employer provides this coverage at no cost to you.
Voluntary Life and AD&D
Life coverage provides assurance that your loved ones will be cared for, even after you are gone. Think about your personal circumstances. For instance, are you the sole provider for your household? Consider what you could leave behind. Children to be cared for? A spouse with a large mortgage? Parents on a limited, fixed income? Everyone has different needs; depending on yours, you may want to consider buying supplemental coverage.
- Life Insurance – English | Spanish
- Importance of Life Insurance
Short-Term Disability
Short-term Disability insurance pays out a portion of your income if you are temporarily unable to work because of a medical condition (including pregnancy). Short-term Disability is also known as Temporary Disability Income Benefit.
Long-Term Disability
Long-term Disability insurance replaces a portion of your income during an extended period of a disabling illness or accident. By providing a steady stream of income while you are unable to work, Long-term Disability insurance helps you meet your financial obligations when you are not able to work.
Health Savings Accounts (HSA)
Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) are a great way to save money and budget for qualified medical expenses. HSAs are tax-advantaged savings accounts that accompany High Deductible Health Plans (HDHPs). HDHPs offer lower monthly premiums in exchange for a higher deductible (the amount you pay before insurance kicks in).
- Understanding a Health Savings Account – English | Spanish
- What You Need to Know about Health Savings Accounts – English | Spanish
- HSA Eligible Expenses – English | Spanish
- HSA Ineligible Expenses – English | Spanish
- HSA Pros and Cons – English | Spanish
- HSA Investments User Guide
- Adding to your HSA with a Limited Purpose FSA
- New Member Portal Guide
- Pre-Tax Guide
- Meet ThrivePass
Flexible Spending Account (FSA)
A Flexible Spending Account (FSA) allows you to direct money pre-tax from your paycheck to help pay certain health expenses (such as medical, prescription, dental and vision costs) and dependent care expenses (such as daycare, nursery school and day camp for children, and services for adult dependents who cannot care for themselves.)
- Flexible Spending Account Eligible Expenses – English | Spanish
- Flexible Spending Account Ineligible Expenses – English | Spanish
- Flexible Spending Accounts – English | Spanish
- Know Your Benefits about FSA – English | Spanish
- Dependent Care FSA FAQ
- Adding to your HSA with a Limited Purpose FSA
- Commuter Benefits Overview
- New Member Portal Guide
- Pre-Tax Guide
- Meet ThrivePass
Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
Everyone needs help dealing with life’s challenges from time to time. Through service provided by Accentra, you and your family can get help that’s easy, convenient, and confidential and is provided at no additional cost. Counselors are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Espyr is now Accentra Health!
- Website
- Overview Flyer – English | Spanish
- Tess Intro
For the majority of Americans, their employer’s retirement savings plan is the only long-term savings they have. With social security benefits projected to cease by 2033, the ‘how to’ is becoming increasingly important. As a result, many are wondering how they are going to save.
Tilson partners with Slavic401k to provide a 401(k) retirement savings solution to its clients and their employees.
FinFit is a financial resources provider who works to help increase your savings, help grow your credit, and partner with you on the journey toward financial freedom.
Activating your FinFit membership is easy! Log in through your employee portal and click the FinFit widget.
- Website
- Overview Flyer – English | Spanish
- Personal Loan – English | Spanish
- Financial Coaching | Ready University | Member Rewards | Financial Health Assessment | Financial Dashboard & Insights
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