Early Preparation Is Crucial for 2025 Open Enrollment - Tilson


Early Preparation Is Crucial for 2025 Open Enrollment

Benefits & Compensation, Recruitment, Strategy & Planning | September 2024

The job market remains highly competitive as employers work to attract and retain today’s top talent. With the 2025 open enrollment season around the corner, employers have an opportunity to develop attractive benefits offerings and proactively communicate with employees to win them over. Early preparation can help show employees they are valued, convince top performers seeking job changes to stay in their current positions and attract new talent.

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This article outlines how employers can thoughtfully kick off 2025 open enrollment efforts, including offering competitive benefits to meet workforce needs, crafting employee messaging and effectively communicating benefits offerings.

Tailoring Benefits Offerings

Employee benefits offerings can serve as powerful attraction and retention tools. However, that’s only true if workers see value in these offerings. That’s why employers should tailor their benefits options to include perks employees care about ahead of open enrollment.

Various surveys and reports have found that the following are some of the top benefits employees want:

  • Greater compensation
  • Remote or hybrid work environments
  • Flexible or hybrid scheduling (e.g., four-day workweeks)
  • Paid leave policies
  • Mental health resources
  • Family-building and reproductive health benefits
  • Caregiving benefits
  • Professional development opportunities
  • Financial wellness resources

Employers should keep in mind that benefits offerings are one of the top reasons employees join companies and stay at their jobs. That’s why it’s critical for employers to seriously consider speaking with employees about which perks provide the most value for their unique circumstances. Adding or tweaking a few benefits options could be the difference between retaining or losing top performers. Also, gaining employee feedback ahead of open enrollment shows a meaningful interest in their concerns. With a good pulse on workers’ needs, this intel can also impact employee attraction efforts.

Determining Key Messaging

After solidifying benefits options, employers need to plan their messaging and communication strategies. For 2025, key messaging might focus on new or updated benefits offerings, as well as these offerings serving as incentives for employees to stay in their current positions.

Putting benefits front and center can compel employees to weigh the advantages of searching for new jobs against guaranteed perks. Employers should detail their offerings so employees understand everything they could potentially lose by changing jobs. Touching on these details is particularly important, considering that many workers don’t fully understand the benefits they elected during open enrollment. This means some employees may be job hunting for perks that they already have access to.

Benefits communications should account for employees’ desires to feel safe and secure by demonstrating how workplace offerings can protect them. As employees’ needs vary, outlining different benefits offerings can help them understand which benefits they need and will likely use. Employees’ appreciation for benefits may improve when they can choose benefits plans tailored to their specific needs. The more appreciative employees are, the less likely they are to seek other job opportunities.

Communicating Employee Benefits

Ultimately, employers must spread the word about open enrollment and their benefits offerings. Countless surveys show that employees want more help understanding their options. This means an open enrollment communication plan needs to start early, provide ample educational resources and have multiple channels.

An effective open enrollment communication strategy may include the following components:

  • Group meetings to discuss available benefits
  • One-on-one meetings to go over any questions
  • Multichannel communication methods (e.g., videos, printouts, guides, presentations, emails and comprehensive guides)
  • Periodic enrollment reminders, including enrollment dates and workplace-specific instructions
  • Messaging that directs employees to designated points of contact for questions (e.g., HR)

Leveraging technology allows employers to communicate more frequently and effectively with employees. With more employees working remotely, virtual enrollment may be the most feasible option for many employers, saving them time and resources.

Early open enrollment communication gives employees more time to understand their benefits. Although year-round communication is ideal, employers can amp it up for open enrollment. The most recent Consumer Engagement in Health Care Survey revealed that although many Americans are satisfied with the open enrollment process, they are not looking closely at their health plan options when making selections. Nearly three-quarters (72%) of adults spent less than one hour deciding on their health plan during open enrollment. A better understanding of offerings may help employees make more active choices in their health plans during the open enrollment season and beyond by helping them understand the perks of staying with the organization.

Enhancing Open Enrollment with Tilson’s Empowering Approach

Tilson stands out in its dedication to streamlining the open enrollment process for its client employees. Through the Employee Benefits Resources webpage, employees gain access to a wealth of educational materials, including benefit summaries, insurance definitions, FAQs, videos, and guides. Ensuring inclusivity, Tilson offers these resources in both English and Spanish. Clear instructions for the online Benefit Enrollment process guide employees every step of the way, while early and proactive communication via various channels keeps employees well-informed. Tilson’s comprehensive approach transforms open enrollment into an empowered experience, enabling employees to make informed decisions confidently.

Download our free 2025 Open Enrollment Checklist here.


Employers will have ample time to tailor their benefits offerings and thoughtfully showcase all employee perks by starting open enrollment efforts early. This can help employers educate their current workforce, boost retention efforts and win more talent in the ever-challenging labor market.

Elevate Your Employee Benefits with Tilson

Experience a seamless 2025 open enrollment process that offers comprehensive benefits at an affordable cost. Contact Tilson today to empower your team and provide them with the exceptional benefits they deserve.

This Benefits Insights is not intended to be exhaustive nor should any discussion or opinions be construed as professional advice. © 2024 Zywave, Inc. All rights reserved.

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