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Culture, Training & Performance

Dress Code in the Workplace

Implementing and enforcing a dress code is an ongoing conversation for many employers. As warm weather approaches, employees start stretching what is “acceptable” office attire resulting in uncomfortable conversations for managers. So, what drives your dress code policy? Do employees really know what the policy means? Employers might need to take a step back and really look at their policy.


Training & Performance

5 Tips for Satisfying Employment


Leadership & Management, Training & Performance

When Disaster Strikes

Given the recent devastation caused by Hurricane Harvey, we felt compelled to stress the importance of having a disaster preparedness plan in place for your organization.  Whether an emergency strikes during business hours or in the wee hours of the morning, a documented plan will alleviate some of the stress that is expected in the wake of an emergency.


Training & Performance

Terminating With Ease

Terminating an employee can be the most difficult thing to do for most managers, but if conducted in a professional manner, with proper preparation, you can get through the conversation feeling confident and self-assured.


Training & Performance

Performance Reviews: Habit or Necessity?

Although new processes of evaluation are being introduced for how performance is measured, a formal performance evaluation is still considered the most common practice.


Training & Performance

Employee Engagement Best Practices

Employee engagement is the commitment an employee has towards their employer. Since employees are key in businesses continuing success, it important to keep them engaged. There are three types of employees:


Training & Performance

The Balancing Act

The back to school season is upon us, so we thought it would be helpful to highlight the importance of having workplace policies and programs that support work/life balance.   While some managers may be reluctant to offer these types of benefits to employees; it is essential to seek out ways to help employees better integrate their personal and professional lives.  Here are just a few programs that may help promote balance in your organization:


Training & Performance

Benefits of an Internship Program

What is it that makes an internship program so attractive to employers? Is it because interns are cheap labor? Do employers see value in fresh perspectives? Or is it because interns help increase company productivity?

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