Training & Performance
Frequent Check-ins: Rethinking Performance Reviews
It’s no secret that employees and employers alike have reservations about annual performance reviews. Some employees view them as a waste of time and many employers find it difficult to argue against that.
Training & Performance
Performance Reviews E-Guide
This e-guide provides everything you need to know about performance reviews. Sections include best practices, determining the ideal review for your business and an appendix full of printable resources.
Training & Performance
Employee Recognition Programs
Recognizing and rewarding employees for their hard work is a key factor in boosting employee engagement at your organization.
Training & Performance
Upskilling Can Help Combat Labor Shortages
In this tight labor market, employers need to do what they can to retain their workers. If a workplace is struggling to fill open positions, what can it do? The answer for many seems to be upskilling. In a recent survey of 300 global executives, 66% of respondents said upskilling their employees was one of their top 10 priorities.
Leadership & Management, Training & Performance
Leading Employees in a Hybrid Work Environment
While the COVID-19 pandemic has led to an all-time high of employees telecommuting, workplaces are opening back up, and managers are newly challenged with effectively leading and developing teams who are working in a hybrid work environment.
Culture, Training & Performance
Make a Flexible Workplace to Benefit Your Bottom Line
Technological advances and flexibility in the workplace have redefined the workday for many organizations and their employees.
Training & Performance
Preventing the Post-Pandemic “Turnover Tsunami”
The COVID-19 pandemic is finally getting under control. As more Americans get vaccinated, states are gradually lifting restrictions, and life is returning to pre-pandemic normalcy. Now, individuals feel they can get to the tasks they’ve been postponing for more than a year. Unfortunately for employers looking to prevent turnover and retain employees, some employees are now ready to find new jobs.